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Dani’s week on LighterLife Total

For some people, a total diet replacement weight-loss programme like LighterLife Total might seem daunting. What do you do if you go out for a meal with friends? Will the food fill you up? Is it healthy to do a plan like this? These are all common questions we are asked so we got one of our clients, Dani, to write an honest diary of one of her weeks on Total so you can find out first-hand what it’s like and how she deals with social occasions.



It’s 10 weeks since I joined Xpress and I’ve lost 44lb! That’s an average of 4lb a week. I chose the Total plan because I wanted to lose weight fast and it’s definitely working! To celebrate my success so far, I went out to buy some new jeans. They’re three sizes smaller than my old ones which make me feel like a million dollars. Afterwards I met a friend for coffee. Previously I’d use trips like this as an excuse to have cake but today I didn’t feel deprived at all, I’m determined to do this.

9am: Porridge FastPot

11.30am: Toffee bar

1.30pm: Chocolate Raisin bar

6pm: Blueberry Pancakes



I was sceptical about Foodpacks fitting into my social life, but my doubts were quickly overcome. Today I went to a fully catered birthday party with unlimited alcohol available. I made up a LighterLife Graprefruit Drink with sparkling water and chopped up a Chocolate Raisin bar to make my own personal picnic. I was glowing because of all the compliments I got. A couple of my friends were worried about my rapid weight loss. I explained to them that it was safe, everything is thoroughly researched, and it’s been around for decades.

9am: Blueberry Pancakes

1pm: Creamy Chicken FastPot

5pm: Chocolate Hazelnut bar + Pink Grapefruit Drink

6pm: Chocolate Mug Cake



Went out shopping with my Mum. I’m actually saving money on Total which means more ££ for clothes! It’s made me realise how much I used to spend on food. It was easy to ignore the takeaways and food I wasted. Sadly, my dog Molly, isn’t happy with me being on the plan as she no longer gets all the leftovers!

In the evening I went to the pub with friends. The landlord gave me some hot water so I could mix up my Spaghetti Bolognese and I had sparkling water and a coffee. It’s been easier than I thought to work my Foodpacks into my life.

8am: Blueberry Pancakes

12pm: Vegetable Soup

2pm: Peanut bar

6pm: Spaghetti Bolognese


To see how Dani got on with the rest of her week download a free copy of our new magazine here