Lynsey had lost count of the number of times she’d started a different diet! She already tried many of the big names out there, yet nothing had worked. After meeting up with a friend that she hadn’t seen in a while, she found out about LighterLife.
“My friend had lost 5st 7lbs since I last saw her. We’d historically done the usual diets together but could never keep the weight off. I was very impressed with her progress! She explained to me what the plan involved and not having to count calories appealed to me. Also not thinking about what I had to prepare for every meal. I must admit the thought of the CBT groups was not something I thought would be for me. Yet now, I absolutely attribute them to helping me maintain my weight loss!”
It was easy to stay motivated on TotalFast due to the fact that I lost weight every week! The first couple of weeks was understandably a considerable weight loss, but even after that my losses were consistent every week. I was never ‘hungry’ and felt really good. I was so surprised that I wasn’t craving any foods!
My Mentor provided me with vital support during my journey.
My weekly CBT Mindfulness Sessions have been invaluable in enabling me to understand my behaviour around food. My Mentor has also been there if I ever needed to chat about anything.
I wasn’t keen on joining the sessions to start with, but I’ve now been attending my group for 6 years and have only missed 3 sessions in all that time! The conversations around the Hot Topics we cover in our CBT groups have helped me maintain my weight. It may not seem relevant at the time, but I guarantee you will find it useful long-term.
In addition to the group sessions, we also have a well-used WhatsApp group, which really helps us stay in contact. I love the ladies in my group! I have also tuned into the LighterLife lives over on the main Facebook page, and I often join Denise Welch’s sessions. I find it interesting to hear how others are progressing on their journey.
Since achieving my goal weight my life has changed for the better!
I was advised at the beginning of my journey to make a list of all my achievements as I went along. Before I lost weight, I couldn’t fit in a bath, couldn’t walk very far without stopping regularly. If I ever feel like I’m struggling mentally, I have a look at my list.
For anyone thinking about starting LighterLife, I would say do it. It could change your life. If you have any issues around food, the TotalFast plan takes the constant deliberation out of the equation. I would recommend you attending a group run by your Mentor to help you stay on plan. Sharing your experiences really helps you understand your behaviour around food.”
We know losing weight can be tough, that’s why we have lots of support to help you on your journey. Get in touch with your personal Mentor by doing a postcode search here or emailing