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My Mentor’s support was so important in helping me to understand why I was eating and how to manage my behaviour around food.

My Mentor’s support was so important in helping me to understand why I was eating and how to manage my behaviour around food.

I’d got to the point where I was just generally unhappy with the way I looked, my weight didn’t suit my 5ft frame. I  hadn’t followed a particular diet, but I’d lose a couple of pounds here and there and then put it back on again. I knew I needed something more drastic, with quicker results to motivate me. 

Why did I choose LighterLife?

One of my relatives had done it, and I liked the idea of the CBT mindfulness, so I decided to commit to it. I found the accountability of the weekly group sessions, having the weekly weigh-ins, and sharing my journey with other LighterLife clients really motivating and beneficial.  My Mentor, Judy, was hugely instrumental too. 

Following the plan

I was really nervous on my first day on TotalFast as I felt failure was not an option, and I wasn’t prepared for it not to work. But after a couple of days (once ketosis kicked in) I never felt hungry – and I loved the Peanut Bars!

I joined LighterLife back in March 2009, lost 2.5 stone in 3 months, and have been managing and maintaining my weight loss ever since.

Mindfulness and Mentor support

My Mentor’s support was so important in helping me to understand why I was eating and how to manage my behaviour around food. The weekly mindfulness sessions were the highlight of my week, they were so helpful. I stuck to the plan and loved seeing the results at the weekly weigh-in. Those lessons still help me 15 years later. 

15 years ago, back in 2009,  we didn’t have any support on social media (like the LighterLife Facebook community now) or Mentor’s WhatsApp groups, but my family gave me lots of extra support.   

What have I learned from the LighterLife programme?

I’ve learned to avoid mindless eating by using the tools taught to me in the original mentoring and mindfulness sessions. And they’ve become a habit after all these years, so I know I’ll never go back to those old behaviours. I’ll only eat when I’m physically hungry.

Judy once told me to tell myself when I’m tempted to eat something I shouldn’t, “You can have it again some day but maybe not today. “ I tell myself that often!

I’ve learned to manage my weight myself, I don’t overeat, and I make healthy food choices. And I do still revert to Foodpacks now and then if I want to lose a few pounds.

My new lighter life

After losing my weight, I could buy clothes I really liked, rather than hiding under loose fitting clothing. I was a size 12-14 but now I’m an 8-10 and I feel much more confident.

And I took up running too, participating in several 10k races and also in the London Landmarks Half Marathon – something I would never have been able to do before. Now I stay active by taking my dog on long walks.

After I lost weight, I had another son, who’s now 10 years old. And two years ago I had the confidence to rejoin the corporate world and take a finance job in the City after a very enjoyable 12-year career break. 

What would I say to someone thinking of joining LighterLife?

I would say, go for it! If your weight is making you unhappy, this will work for you as long as you commit to it – then you will see the results! Embrace it, and follow the CBT mindfulness tips, they really do give you the tools to manage your weight. Stick to the plan, it works!