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Your Wellness and FAQs

Wellness update

Once a month while you’re FlexiFasting we’ll ask you for a quick update on your general health and wellbeing, including whether you’re seeing your GP for medication changes if necessary. All you have to do is fill in a short Wellness Update every 28 day (we’ll sort this out for you). If you’re on certain medications or have certain medical conditions, you’ll also need to see your GP before you start and agree any monitoring requirements with them.


FlexiFasting FAQs

What do I have on non-FlexiFasting days?

What you eat on a non-FlexiFasting day is up to you. Obviously, you’ll need to make different choices if you’re flexifasting to lose weight rather than to maintain your current weight.

Remember that you can use our Foodpacks and Nutripots to replace a meal on a non-FlexiFasting day as a convenient, healthy option, too.

What if I get a craving?

If you get the urge to eat something that’s not on your FlexiFasting plan, remind yourself that you’re only fasting for a short while. Use it as an opportunity to learn what it’s like to feel hungry, knowing that later on you can eat from a range of foods.

What are the benefits of FlexiFasting?

A type of intermittent fasting, FlexiFasting is a flexible way to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. Scientific studies show intermittent fasting can result in significant health

You can find all of our FAQ’s here.

And finally…

Our FlexiFast plan is part of the LighterLife Programme – a completely different way of thinking, eating and living that is far more than a “diet”. Alongside our delicious range of Foodpack bars, shakes, soups, pots and meals for fast, effective weight loss, it’s a golden opportunity to change your relationship with food and develop the CBT mindfulness skills to keep your weight off in the long term.

If you have any questions about our FlexiFast plan or need any advice, please get in touch by emailing us at enquiries@lighterlife.com



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