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I was a size 22, and now I’m a size 10! And I’m enjoying my son’s pride in his mum who’s lost all this weight

Sarah lost 8 stone in 8 month

I had lots of reasons for wanting to lose weight. Catching a glimpse of my reflection, or seeing a photo, was always a horrifying wake-up call at how large I‘d become. 

My main driver though was a visit to a theme park with my son. We’d raced around the park, getting in line for all the thrill-seeking rides, queuing for an hour or so, getting into the seat, only to find the safety belt/harness didn’t fit. I was too big for the ride. I was mortified, and that was the moment I knew I needed to do something.

Why I chose LighterLife

Diets were always a bit hit and miss for me. While I didn’t like being big, I was fairly content with my size. Although I joined gyms and downloaded apps to help calorie-count, these didn’t work, they just made me unhappy and frustrated by my efforts.

I chose LighterLife because, having done the programme 15 years ago, I knew it worked for me. I liked the support from my Mentor and group in the weekly CBT Mindfulness sessions. It was good knowing others were going through the same journey as me, even if we had different reasons, goals, and weight-loss aims. 

Mentoring and Mindfulness

This time around I’ve felt empowered throughout my entire journey thanks to the weekly CBT Mindfulness sessions on Zoom and the support of my Mentor, Jane, who addresses any query or concern in a supportive and motivating way.

The CBT Mindfulness sessions reminded me about my (bad) eating habits and helped me create a tool kit of new (good) eating habits. I think we all know what we should and shouldn’t do, but it’s been great exploring topics each week and feeling those light bulb moments when you think, “Yes, I do that” and “Now I’ll do this instead.”

I’ve really got a lot out of these weekly sessions with Jane. She explains each topic well and encourages our group to think about what we do, why we do things and more importantly, what we can do next time, i.e., making better choices. 

Jane also has a WhatsApp group, which is a safe and friendly space where we can share good news, Foodpack ideas, and motivational tips. And I enjoy hearing about other group members’ experiences. It’s stopped me feeling alone, and it’s comforting to hear others have the same demons as me! I’ve also come away with some great ideas on how to cope with certain situations. 

At the start of my journey, I only told a couple of friends and my immediate family what I was doing. It wasn’t until the weight-loss became visible that others started to question me, and I’ve been surprised by how supportive and encouraging everyone has been. 

Following the plan

My first week on TotalFast was a breeze. Having 4 Foodpacks made it so easy to plan and stick to. I didn’t feel hungry, and I started to feel more energised. My weight-loss that week was amazing and just the motivation I needed. It also confirmed to me that I‘d made the right choice to join LighterLife again.

I’ve tried the whole LighterLife product range while on subscription, and the Fast Pots – Porridge, Pasta Bolognese, and Jerk Noodles – are definitely my favourites. They’re quick and easy to prepare, great to take into the office, and they’re tasty and filling.

I started TotalFast in March 2023 and lost 8 stone in 36 weeks before moving on to Management in November 2023.

During my journey, and while attending the CBT Mindfulness group sessions, I’ve collated a few tools to help me stay on track. I’ve also adopted three new habits: smaller portions, eating more slowly, and stopping when I’m full. I believe these will help me keep the weight off long-term. 

How do I feel now?

I was a size 22, and now I’m a size 10! So all my clothes are new, and it’s great being able to go into any shop now, rather than checking to see if they offer a plus size section. I’m still learning how to choose the clothes that suit me best as the loose, baggy tops no longer work, I need more fitted styles. And I’ve also had to buy new shoes as my feet have shrunk from a size 7 to a 6. 

I set myself a few goals along my journey. Since losing my weight I’ve achieved three of them: I can fit into a theme park ride, I can paint my own toenails, and I can wear a skirt without shorts or tights underneath. 

It was my 50th birthday this year and I wanted to do something for myself for a change. I feel a lot more confident now, I’m happy catching my reflection in a window or mirror, and I love my new wardrobe. I’m also enjoying my son’s pride in his mum who’s lost all this weight. 

What I’d say to anyone thinking about starting LighterLife

The LighterLife programme is very easy to follow. Other than deciding on your Foodpacks for the day, there’s little to plan or think about. I’ve not felt hungry, I’ve had lots of energy, and by getting all the vitamins and nutrients my body needs, I’ve not been ill at all, not even a cold.

The weight loss itself, along with the inches I lost around my body, were the two things that really motivated me.

My top tip for staying on plan is to set yourself some goals – small ones are best – and reward yourself when you achieve them.