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Angela’s Story

Angela lost 5 stone* and feels amazing, she turned to LighterLife after she had her son, at 43 she was a late mum and was worried about the health effects her weight could have, she wanted to make sure she saw her son get married and have children of his own some day.

Angela says: “I chose LighterLife because the weight loss was fast and because I wanted to learn why I overeat, and to learn not to. I lost the weight in 5 months and can now run around with my little boy and I can pick him up without getting breathless.

The group work was amazing, being able to talk through my issues with food was such a great support. LighterLife has taught me to look at food differently. Before LighterLife I felt dark, down and worthless. Now I’ve rediscovered the happy me!

I have a healthier future now and I can live my life the way I want to, I can be a better parent without being restrained by my weight.

*Each of our client’s results and stories are unique to them and their experience of LighterLife. Your own results will be personal to you and may vary.

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