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Home / Success Stories & Blog / Success Stories / What Joyce liked about LighterLife is that you don’t have to calorie count!

What Joyce liked about LighterLife is that you don’t have to calorie count!

Before joining LighterLife, Joyce had tried lots of diets, she had even gone as far as wiring her jaw, but nothing had worked.

For me, this journey did not leave room for doubt, just determination. At 51 I wanted to really feel good about myself, I was at a point in a woman’s life when my hormones were beginning to play havoc in my life (Perimenopause). So, my determination translated into energy for me.

My Mentor was fantastic…

What I liked about LighterLife is that you didn’t need to calorie count and the results were quick, seeing the lbs come off each week, was very encouraging. My Mentor, Lesley, was fantastic and always posed thought provoking questions that challenged my relationship with food. My responses made me conscious of the decisions I made in my day-to-day life and encouraged me to make healthier choices. I also certainly benefitted from the WhatsApp group. There were always encouraging tips posted to help get you through some challenging days.

Pick a dress and wear it…

I have always had clothes in the size I wanted to be, and fewer clothes in the size I was working on to change. So, it was wonderful being able to just open the wardrobe and pick out any dress and wear it without worrying about if it would fit me. Being able to save time contemplating in front of the wardrobe when I could be doing something else, is priceless!! Lol.

My health…

I’m on high blood pressure medication and my doctor has not seen any need to increase my dosage in two years which I am told is quite unusual.


Joyce’s top tip: Stay true to who you want to be and focus on that image of yourself you see in your mind and know you can make it happen.

If I can do it, so can youjoin LighterLife today.