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What do LighterLife Xpress meetings and Parkrun have in common?

They couldn’t possibly have anything in common I hear you say?! Let us prove you wrong!

With Parkrun recently celebrating their 15-year anniversary, we wanted to know more about how this iconic event came about. The runs were set up by Simon Sinton-Hewitt who was an athlete suffering with depression. He was unable to run due to an injury yet still wanted to spend time with his running friends. With this in mind he organised a free, weekly, 5k run for anyone to join. The first event had just 13 runners and now, 15 years later, boasts over two million runners in five continents.

Simon showed that perseverance is the key.  You don’t have to be ‘the best’, you just have to turn up, take part and do ‘your best’.  If that means walking it because you can’t run, then walk it. If it means jogging because the dog won’t go any faster, that’s fine too, and if you want to train and get your time under 20 or even 15 minutes, then that’s fine also. Sticking to it and turning up every week is the key to getting better at it. You also meet like-minded people and will boost your self-esteem.

LighterLife Xpress meetings are just the same. With no joining fee, meetings are completely free and combine expert eating plans with Mentors who will encourage you to explore your feelings and thoughts towards eating.

It’s easy to say I don’t need to go to a meeting, I know how to do it, I have all the Foodpacks I need so I’ll do it on my own, but just like the Parkrun, we might know how to run and have a pair of trainers, but it’s the weekly meeting that makes it easier to do! Turn up each week, take part and do your best – it’s as simple as that.

At your Xpress meeting you will be surrounded by like-minded people, sharing a common goal, and once the weight starts to fall off, your self-esteem will grow.

One of our LighterLife members, Anne, sums up her LighterLife experience perfectly; ‘My Xpress meeting is the highlight of my week and carries me through the tougher moments. What I’ve lost in weight, I’ve gained 10 times over in support and friendship.’

So, what have you got to lose? Head to one of our meetings and discover our unique mindfulness approach that goes beyond what you put in your mouth. You will explore how your thinking affects your eating behaviour, and your friendly Mentor will equip you with the tools needed for losing weight and keeping it off for life.

Find your nearest meeting and start living a lighter life today!