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Brenda lost 5 stone on our TotalFast plan

“OMG clothes shopping! This is so much fun now”! 

Primary school teacher, Brenda lost 5 stone in 4 1/2 months!

I have tried every diet out there; you name it and I’ve tried it. My 50th birthday was approaching, and I’d had enough of being unhealthy, so I found my nearest Mentor, Gail and started the TotalFast plan.

I found day 1 and 2 a little difficult but I was determined to stick it out for one week and see how I got on. After day 3 I felt a feeling of power and control and my weekly meetings with Gail were the light at the end of the tunnel. Every week I lost weight, Gail joked and called me her ‘star pupil’ because I’m a primary school teacher – but honestly, I use to look forward to stepping on the scales for a feel-good factor!

My biggest lesson about my eating behaviour is that, in the past, I have often eaten, or drank something just to please somebody.  I have learned that people don’t really watch what I eat or care what I eat! It is purely my choice what I fuel my body with.

I have practiced yoga for a long time, I love it! In the last year, my weight was preventing me from completing various poses and limiting my enjoyment of yoga.  I am back practicing regularly and my body is doing what it should… I feel so good after each session.

I also had knee surgery in January.  I feel that the weight I have lost is making my recovery a lot easier.

Last summer my husband and my five children went surfing. I wouldn’t surf because I was too embarrassed to squeeze into a wet suit.  I will surf this summer, and happily play in the waves with my family… no more sitting and watching!  I am so much more active than I was. Last week I enjoyed lying on the hammock in the garden, which I was afraid to do last summer.

OMG clothes shopping! This is so much fun now!  I have not worn a black item of clothes since February. I am fitting into clothes I almost threw out so many times.  I am wearing dresses, regularly.

My children are so proud of my new fun attitude and one of my daughters recently took a secret photo of me to show her friends how well I looked.  Instead of making an excuse and not going somewhere because I ‘had nothing to wear’, I spend ages trying on clothes to find the best outfit.  I’m even contemplating buying a full-length mirror, something I have avoided till now.

My attitude towards food has changed completely.  I hope to continue to think of food as fuel for my body.  I hope to only eat the best fuel.  I have also learned that I am a ‘work in progress’ and that is ok.