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Adrienne’s story

Adrienne Noel-Robinson, 25, has lost over 7 stone* with LighterLife since November 2012, That’s an amazing 101lbs! We talk to her about how LighterLife has changed her life.

What made you decide to start LighterLife?


“I used to be very active and confident, but I’ve never been a slim person. I met my partner just after university and we moved away from London after we had our daughter.

“I put on a few stone during the pregnancy and after the weight just kept creeping on. I ate to curb my sickness during pregnancy, but I also used it as a bit of a crutch to deal with stress and the pressures of moving back to my hometown and being a first-time mum.

“I realised something had to change when my daughter was a year old. I was out of breath and not confident doing active things with her, like going swimming. The crunch came after seeing a photo of me at a friend’s baby shower. I didn’t recognise myself and I was really shocked. I knew something had to change, so I signed up for LighterLife.”


What keeps you motivated?


“I made a decision right at the start to do this for myself. It’s for my own wellbeing, so that I can be a better mother, partner, colleague and friend. I want to be a role model for my daughter.

When you’re a mum, you can stop existing as an individual and exist only as ‘mum’. I had stopped doing things for myself. What keeps me motivated is knowing that I need this ‘me’ time in order to be a better person – and a better mum.”


What’s your favourite thing so far about your LighterLife experience?


“My favourite thing is obviously watching the weight melt away, but beyond that it’s been the learning experience. After my fifth month, I had a lapse. I’d made great progress and couldn’t understand why I was ruining it for myself. It was then that I discovered a new part of the journey.

Using cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) in my group really helped me explore my thinking and challenge myself. It really taught me a lot about myself and now I know exactly how to deal with negative situations when they arise.”


What’s been your biggest challenge so far on your weight loss journey?


“Re-focusing my thoughts after I had lapses was really hard. I had to learn how to recover from that in a way that was beneficial to me. It’s easy to think ‘I’ve ruined it now, I may as well eat a whole cake’. What’s harder is recognising that you’ve made a mistake and finding a way to move on.”


If you could give one piece of advice to other members, what would it be?


“Learn to be ok with your mistakes. Accept yourself and your flaws and learn how to move forward with this in a positive way. It’s also important to find ways to treat yourself that don’t involve food.”



*Each of our client’s results and stories are unique to them and their experience of LighterLife. Your own results will be personal to you and may vary.


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