“I’ve got my “real” body back, and I love it.”
Helen joined the LighterLife programme in February 2021 and has lost 3 stone in 14 weeks on our TotalFast plan.
Before starting LighterLife I was miserable, looking at myself dumpy, it didn’t feel like me, I felt trapped inside an overweight body.
A very low-calorie diet seemed extreme, but it really works, and that is so motivating.
I’d definitely recommend getting yourself a Mentor, my Mentor Georgina in Sale is wonderful, she has been so supportive and encouraging throughout my journey, she’s full of good advice, and doing the CBT sessions with her has made a real difference too. I think differently about food and my body now. Just a small adjustment in your thinking can make such a big difference in your behaviour.
I joined the LighterLife TotalFast Facebook Support Group page, where you get loads of support and good tips from the other members. These really help you get past sticky moments without making poor choices.
Since losing weight I can walk up hills without struggling and getting out of breath! My husband and I love hill-walking and I can’t believe how easy it feels to get up those peaks now. I had to carry a rucksack full of shopping home from the local shops the other day, and it felt really heavy and was slowing me down, especially when I had to climb the 2 flights of stairs to our flat. I weighed it when I got in, and it was 1st 2lb – less than half the weight I’d lost at that time! It really brought it home to me how much effort it had cost me to carry 3 stone excess weight, and how much less enjoyable it had made hill-walking for me.
One thing that is amazing for me now is fitting into size 14 clothes instead of size 20!
I can go into shops and buy clothes off the peg without trying them on, and when I get home, they fit! I have bought lovely knee-length skirts and dresses I would never have worn before, I’m in jeans and walking trousers that look so slim, and I’ve got a set of pretty blouses and cardigans. I also had to buy new underwear, as it was all too baggy! You also get a much nicer choice of clothes in size 14, so I enjoy shopping much more.
Knowing I am healthier and feeling it is great, I’m so much less at risk from diseases like diabetes, strokes, cancer etc. But the thing that makes me happiest is the way I look – I feel like I’ve got my “real” body back, and I love it. It’s really boosted my self-esteem. And I love the compliments I’m getting from friends, especially people who haven’t seen me since I started LighterLife.