0800 298 8988
Want to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle? We have been helping people lose weight for over 30 years.

Our Weight-Loss Programme sorts out your body, our CBT Mindfulness helps you sort out your head and our Mentors are there to support you on your journey.

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With us you are not alone. Find your personal Mentor today!

“I thought I could lose weight by myself – I found out that it is easier when I had my Mentor rooting for me too!”

So what are you waiting for?
Click here to get in touch with your LighterLife Mentor today!

Success Story Natalie
I’m 100% happier, healthier, and I’m able to live the life I want to live.
Read my story
Success Story- Rhys
I lost 12lb in my first week. My health has done a complete 180.
Read my story
Success Story Sarah
The weekly group was like a shared community.
Read my story
Success Story - Bev
My Mentor and group helped me really understand the destructive behaviours I had previously allowed to control me.
Read my story
Many LighterLife clients have said: “I wish I’d found LighterLife sooner – I knew losing weight was about more than eating less and doing extra.”
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