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Home / Success Stories & Blog / Success Stories / My Mentor’s online group Zoom meetings were so supportive. It was great knowing what I felt wasn’t unique or odd but that everyone else felt the same too.

My Mentor’s online group Zoom meetings were so supportive. It was great knowing what I felt wasn’t unique or odd but that everyone else felt the same too.

Rachel lost 2 stone in 3 months

After trying various diets over the years without much success (although I did pass on one that involved a tapeworm!) I was getting breathless, couldn’t bend, and was experiencing lower limb joint aches. So, I knew it was time to go back to the programme that worked.

Why did I choose LighterLife?

Having lost weight with LighterLife in 2008, I knew it would work, but what really helped this time was my Mentor, Suzanne. Knowing she was always available for advice, help, and support was a huge factor. And you don’t have to make anything or go out and buy anything to eat, it all arrives at your door. So, you’ve limited any temptation, and I think it all tastes good.

Suzanne’s online Zoom meetings were great. Knowing I was going to see the same people every week, who were on the same journey and mostly at the same stage as me, was really helpful. I think it’s easier to be open with your feelings online as you’re not going to see these people in real life in your local area.

Mentoring and Mindfulness

My Mentor, Suzanne, has become a little voice in my head. I’ve learned to stop listening to the parent in my head, or the child that I was, and become more centred. Her group was great for support, listening to, being listened to, and a feeling of knowing what I felt wasn’t unique or odd but that everyone else felt the same too.

The weekly CBT mindfulness sessions were really positive, and motivational. I learned a lot about myself.

Although I’m not a user of social media, I did join Suzanne’s WhatsApp group, which was very useful and supportive.

Outside of LighterLife,  my friends were either neutral or horrified, but I was able to win them round to understanding why this diet is a safe and healthy way to lose weight.

Following the plan

I started TotalFast on 15 April 2024 and three months later I’d lost 3 stone – I’ve gone from a size 16 to a size 12! And I’m now maintaining my weight loss on the Management plan.

During my first week I was really fired up because I’d made the decision to start and I was actually doing it. Yes, I did feel a bit hungry but drinking extra water helped, as did the Broths. Although my energy levels didn’t change at first, they did increase quite quickly.

My favourite products are the Shepherds Pie, Vegetable Soup, and all the Bars.

What’s changed for me now that I’ve lost my weight?

I’ve lost 3 dress sizes, so the charity I volunteer with has benefited from a lot of lovely drab clothes!! And I’m buying brighter clothing as I don’t feel drab and miserable anymore. Just as Suzanne suggested, I’ve revealed myself again, and I no longer feel hopeless and depressed.

Physically, I can easily reach down to my toes again, and even touch the floor with my legs straight. And when I stand in the shower I can actually see below my tummy. I used to be on two blood pressure medications and am now on none. (This may not last when I stop the diet but my GP says that if I do need to use them again, it will be only a very small dose).

I think my husband enjoys his “new” wife because I’m happier and calmer and enjoying going out again: even if I’m not eating much conventional food or consuming any alcohol at the moment.

What have I learned?

I now consider what I’m eating and pay more attention to my food and my life generally.

What I’d say to anyone thinking about starting LighterLife.

LighterLife is not expensive. You don’t need anything else at all to eat or drink (except water).

Set yourself a goal, visualise it, and be determined. To quote an advertising slogan, “You are worth it”.

Break your end goal down into little increments – I used 8 lb targets and enjoyed the moments when I achieved each goal.

Be aware that you’re only human and, if you fall off the horse, you need to get up, brush yourself off, and get back on. Because life can and does throw curve balls, it’s up to you to manage them.