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Stop overthinking and just do it! If you follow the programme it will work and, most importantly, you are not alone.

My weight loss journey spans a few years as I’d successfully lost weight in the past before putting some back on again. This time around, I was spurred on by my wedding, which took place in August 2024.

I’d also had a hip replacement and, having taken a long flight to Singapore over Easter 2024 when I felt a lot of strain on my hip, wanted to relieve this as much as possible by losing more weight. With a Summer wedding and honeymoon on the horizon, including a long flight to Mauritius, I wanted to be as comfortable as possible.

Why did I choose LighterLife?

I’d tried many diets in the past, including LighterLife back in 2016 when I went from a size 20 to a size 10! But I didn’t carry on to the Management programme and ended up putting some of my weight back on.

This time around, I’m fully engaged and will complete Management. The group work and support are great, I know they work, as do the nutritionally complete, delicious Foodpacks.

Mentoring and Mindfulness

The support from my Mentor, Claire, and her group have been wonderful. I never feel alone on my journey, and I like the accountability of attending each week. I love that we all share advice and experiences and can help and guide each other.

On the morning of my wedding there was so much love and so many well wishes from the other ladies in our WhatsApp group.

Taking conventional food out of the equation with your four daily LighterLife Foodpacks provides space to recognise how your body personally deals with different things. During the course of the CBT Mindfulness sessions, I’ve identified sugar is an issue for me, so I can put strategies in place to manage this long term.

Following the plan

I’ve successfully lost 3 ½ stone. Less than last time, but enough for me and I know by doing the Management programme I’ll keep it off this time too.

I did feel a bit headachy on the first 2-3 days, but I knew it would pass and I’d start feeling great when I moved into ketosis. Once those first few days pass, it’s really easy! Especially with Spaghetti Bolognaise, Shepherd’s Pie, or a warm Mango and Passion Fruit Shake to look forward to.

What’s changed for me now that I’ve lost my weight?

Rather than shopping for a whole new wardrobe, I’ve been enjoying wearing my much loved older clothes that I’d stored safely under my bed.

And I left wedding dress shopping to the last minute so I could really enjoy choosing two different non-traditional dresses for my 2-day wedding.

What have I learned?

I’ve realised that my body doesn’t need so much food. The Management programme allows you to explore portion control and trigger foods. Going forwards, I’ll avoid puddings and sweet foods because of how sugar affects my body.

What I’d say to anyone thinking about starting LighterLife.

Stop overthinking and just do it! If you follow the programme it will work, the Foodpacks are great, they’re nutritionally complete, and most importantly, you are not alone.