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Yvonne Taylor’s story

Yvonne joined a weekly telephone counselling group, that’s our LighterLife2U service, and followed the Totally Different Plan. With the support of her weekly group Yvonne lost 5st* and is now a slim healthy size 12.*


  • Weight lost: 5 st*
  • Weight loss plan: Totally Different with group counselling by telephone (LighterLife2U)
  • Followed the LighterLife Management plan


With a milestone birthday just around the corner, and 20 years of yoyo dieting under her belt, Yvonne knew that to ensure her 60’s was going to be a happy and healthy decade she needed to revaluate the choices she was making.

‘As soon as I hit my forties I noticed the weight started to creep up. It wasn’t until my two energetic grandchildren came along that the strains of carrying the extra weight became impossible to ignore.’

‘Having the option to dial into a telephone counselling group was great, it really suited my lifestyle and I was able to chat to my Counsellor from the comfort of my own home.’

Yvonne now has more confidence and energy than ever before.


Each of our client’s results and stories are unique to them and their experience of LighterLife. Your own results will be personal to you and may vary.

Start your journey today with the support of a LighterLife Group